About Cozy and Cheer
Though primarily a crochet-focused blog, this space is for crafts of all kinds! I’ve always enjoyed making things with my hands and I don’t see that changing any time soon, so all of my craft-related endeavors will be posted to Cozy and Cheer.
If you like my crochet patterns, be sure to follow my blog or my Facebook page for updates on my designs!
About Me
My story is a familiar one to many: I grew up watching my grandmother crochet in front of the tv, on the deck, on the porch, and almost anywhere she could! I tried to learn the craft from her, but aside from learning how to make a few chains, we didn’t have the patience for either teaching or learning, so I was content to just watch her enjoy her craft and benefit from all the wonderful things she would create.
Ten years later I decided to take up a fiber craft to keep my hands busy and my mind clear and I chose knitting because I didn’t believe I could learn to crochet as well as my grandma. A few years later I armed myself with a hook and an afternoon’s worth of YouTube videos, and taught myself how to crochet!
I now knit, sew, crochet, embroider and dye as well as getting involved with any other crafts that suit my fancy at the moment.
Cozy and Cheer started in 2019 as a way to share the patterns I was creating and to connect with other makers around the world. I draw my inspiration from retail fashion, bohemian subculture, costuming, and all things natural and whimsical.
I live in Atlanta, Georgia where I also love to watch sports and sci-fi, read fantasy novels, go to conventions, write novellas, and play music.
Usage Information
All images and written material on this blog are intellectual property of me, Kimberly Key, unless otherwise stated. No images or written material from this website or my patterns may be reproduced without permission. You may sell items made from my patterns under the condition that you are:
1. Linking back to my blog/shop and giving written credit
2. An individual artisan and not a company/collective
3. Using your own images
For all business inquiries: kim[at]cozyandcheer.com